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    Bournemouth University diploma

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    Bournemouth University was founded in 1976. Like most other British universities, Bournemouth University is a public university, which is managed by the government. This means the university is subject to the rigorous quality assurance system that makes UK degrees recognised around the world.
    Bournemouth University also has a number of research centers, such as the National Computer Animation Center and the International Research Center for Tourism and Hospitality Management. The aim of the curriculum at Bournemouth University is to develop students’ practical skills and improve their quality.
    The university will often hire some experts from enterprises to communicate with students. 100% undergraduate courses and 20+ graduate courses can provide 32 weeks to 1 year of internship opportunities. Bringing expertise and practical work experience into the classroom BBC, BMW, British Airways, Hewlett-Packard, Hilton International, IBM, Pricewaterhouse Cooper, Rolls Royce, Siemens, etc. Bournemouth University’s career-oriented teaching style attracts many students to further their studies, and Bournemouth University graduates have the second highest employment rate in the UK.

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